But! Today I got quite the missive from a gent with the impressive username of warlordevet. War lord? My goodness, the vassals are trembling already. Here is what the war lord had to tell me:
chad is my name i am looking for a good woman i dont have time for the bs lies games or drama or a woman who talks to more than one man at a time cause i dont talk to more than one woman at a time because in the end when u have to pick some one gets hurt that is why i dont do it i am loving caring sensitive sincere passionate affectionate i dont cheat nor hit women so if your interested please get back with me
War lords are much too busy to use punctuation, you know. When they speak, there are no pauses, because pauses are for pussies.
And yet! he is a sensitive soul. He does not hit women (despite what you may have heard from that bitch who talked to some other man while talking to him). He has the artistic vision of e.e. cummings and eschews capital letters. I also suspect he copies and pastes this letter to anyone at all who interests him.
I think I'm too intimidated to respond to him. What if he finds out I'm on a dating site, receiving emails from many different men throughout the week? Oh, someone will get hurt, I fear.
ok time for some more online dating action!
to be really clear about it i dont hit women either you gotta admit that talking to a bunch of people at the same time isnt a good idear because one will hear one thing and the other will hear another thing and before you know it you cant keep things straigt and straight is exactly what im all about and i dont have a hat thing going on with my hair on acount of because im mostly bald although that depends on your point of view because were not talking cue ball here only mostly bald with some nice fringes to keep from being completely bald
if you like long walks on the beach in the sunset when the weather is good and you like snuggling by a cozy fire and if you like a good meal and dont turn up your nose at fried things than id like to here from you
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