Friday, September 26

Surprise! I'm a slack-jawed woodpecker.

It's been brought to my attention that I don't update this blog nearly enough. I'd like to remind y'all that we agreed to keep our expectations low from the get-go, but still. I do realize that I am slack.

One reason for such is that there appears to be a cyclical nature in the emails I get. They come in waves, really, and the tide went out for about a week. It seems to be rolling back in again, hard to say why, unless it's the moon or some astronomical shit like that. I promise to sift through this wreckage of emails for all the flotsam that could possibly amuse you, dear reader(s).

I have also been on two actual, real life dates now. I won't mock the men I meet in person, so that makes updating a little harder. The first guy, well, it was a non-starter, and we both new it. Had a nice dinner anyway, though. The second guy got started just fine. Question is whether we'll keep running at speed, or sputter like a used lawnmower in an overgrown ditch. (No, that's not a metaphor for my vagina. Gross.)

I've found that I do like planning dates, and I think I've done a bang-up job so far, at least at the venues and activities planned. I don't trust my gut yet on who is right for me and who isn't, so that's going to take some fine-tuning. I don't feel the least bit bad anymore for refusing to talk to most of the guys who've emailed me, so I think that's progress. Onward!

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